Diane Leyre (Miss France 2022) uneasy about a question about her relationship with a French actor

On December 11, Miss Ile de France, Diane Leyre was elected Miss France live on TF1, facing millions of French people. A week after the coronation of the pretty brunette, we were able to know more about her life and her personality thanks to the many interviews to which she answered.

The day after his election, a YouTuber and actor seen in the series “Profiling”, who responds to the name of Thomas Goldberg came out of the silence to affirm that the young woman of 24 years is his ex and to affirm to be happy for her. At the same time, Diane Leyre declared to be single and not to want to find love for the moment …

Invited at the microphone of RFM radio, Diane Leyre spoke with Bernard Montiel who did not hesitate to ask her if the rumor of a possible romance between her and Thomas Goldberg was true. A bit annoyed, the beauty queen then replied: “There are surely many who will be able to come out like this…” before adding: “I will surely also have people who will say that they are my cousins. I will not be able to tell you every time whether it is true or not, because I would not have control over what is being said. So I’m not even going to say if it’s true or if it’s not true. If I tell you that it is false, for the others afterwards, if I do not say it, we will say that it is true “. Enough to cast doubt on this alleged old relationship.

“My heart belongs to all French people” then repeated Diane Leyre when the former Miss France, Elodie Gossuin asked her if she was currently in a relationship.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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