Diane Leyre chosen in advance? The strange declarations of Geneviève de Fontenay the day after her election

This Saturday, December 11, 2021, the French gathered in front of TF1 to elect Miss France 2022. Unanimously, Diane Leyre was chosen. It is therefore the pretty Parisienne who succeeded Amandine Petit. A choice that did not fail to make Geneviève de Fontenay react. If the widow of Louis Poirot left the Miss France committee more than 10 years ago, she still remains very attentive to what happens each year during the election of the new beauty queen. And the least we can say is that loyal viewers are very fond of the sharp opinions of Xavier’s mother.

And for good reason ! The lady in the hat does not have the tongue in her pocket and as soon as a candidate does not please her, she does not hesitate to spit out her venom. Lately, Geneviève de Fontenay was also violently attacking Nathalie Marquay. “I was the one who made her meet the Marquay… Did you see how she behaved that s *****?” […] Especially since I have never had any problem with it ”, she said in a video uploaded by her little girl. Quite virulent remarks which very quickly made the buzz on the Web.

Despite this slippage, Agathe de Fontenay had chosen to share this intimate moment with her grandmother in order to allow voters to know the opinion of the former president of the Miss France committee. “Hello friends, Every year many people wonder what Geneviève de Fontenay thinks of the election, what she thinks of the new Miss France, so we had the idea of ​​filming you her reactions live and without filters! Hope you like this video !!! “, wrote the young woman on her YouTube channel.

In the images, we can notably see his grandfather predicting the election of Diane Leyre. “ It’s Île-de-France you’ll see ”, indicates Geneviève de Fontenay even before knowing the results. A choice that she seems to have appreciated a lot. Phew!

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