Diana Ross, the queen of disco is back


Article written by

C. Rougerie, Y. Moix, H. Pozzo, A. Lopez – France 2

France Televisions

At 77, Diana Ross is releasing a new album on Friday November 5th. This is the opportunity to look back on the great career of a music icon, but not only.

Nicknamed the disco diva, Diana Ross is making her comeback on the front of the stage at the end of 2021. Sixteen years after the release of her last album. A tribute that she pays to her fans through 13 songs and to celebrate the 50 years of career of a woman with many lives. From an early age, the artist trained in singing, especially with her neighbors, which allowed her to meet the leaders of Motown. A few years later, she meets with success. With her band, the Supremes, she moved forward before becoming a solo artist and pursuing a breathtaking career.

The hits multiply and she conquers the world, starting from sensitive areas of the United States. On stage, she highlights her glamorous side and embodies it to perfection through various sensual and extravagant outfits. “She dares everything“, adds Sophie de Champsavin, editor-in-chief of Paris Modes. In 1980, she changed her style and adopted simpler costumes. But all the same remains an icon of music and fashion. Actress, mother of a family, entrepreneur , she adopts several hats with great success.


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