Diana Blois (Large families) “desperate” and at worst: new blow for the mother

The task turns out to be more complicated than expected. For several months now, Diana Blois and her husband Gérôme are looking for their new cozy nest for their tribe of nine children. Unfortunately, the couple chained disappointments, and even failed to get scammed. Just a few days ago, the protagonists of Large families, life in XXL thought they had found their dream home and, above all, liked the owner. But here it is, Wednesday March 30, 2022, it is to announce bad news that the mother of the family has seized her story Instagram: they didn’t get the house. “Big bad mood, I really believed it…“, she was sorry with emotion. And to add: “I saturate, I despair. We are a serious family, we just need a house“.

Her husband Gérôme also took to his social networks to discuss the subject and to say more about the circumstances of this new failure. “We were waiting for an answer for a house that I visited on Monday with Ilona. She was extra, everything stuck. It was a private individual who rented it out, too. For once it wasn’t an agency… There were a lot of people who wanted this house. The lady had concentrated all visits on the same day, Monday. Unfortunately, the response was negative. So we are disgusted…“, he recounted.

If the competition was tough, Gérôme Blois does not understand why his file was refused. A worse situation? Fear of a large family? The mediatization ? It will remain unanswered. “Frankly, I don’t see what to do. I had provided all the papers for the file. We had offered to pay a year’s rent in advance, to reassure the lady even more.… I think not everyone can do that and we are lucky enough to afford it. But that’s not enough… So we continue the search for a house. We believe in it, even if, inevitably, it puts a big blow on morale“, he confided. The dad also reminded his subscribers that with his wife Diana, he could not yet afford to buy.

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