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As part of its “Les battantes” section, France Télévisions is interested in the American Diana foseyone of the most large primatologists. She has devoted most of her life to gorillas. His disappearance remains unexplained to this day.
Diana fosey had a nickname: “friend of the gorillas”. That American born in 1932 was the first to study primates in their natural environment: the high mountains of Rwanda, where she settled in 1967. To approach the gorillas, she imitated their cries, their gestures, and fed on leaves, like them. Braving the cold and the fog, this enthusiast spent hours with them.
“Gorillas are so nice. They are shy, curious. They become aggressive only to defend their family“, said Diana fosey. Intransigent, she relentlessly hunted down poachers. In December 1985, she was found dead in her cabin, killed at the age of 53 by multiple machete blows. The killer has never been identified. Diana fosey now rests in a gorilla graveyard. His fight was not in vain: gthanks to her, the gorillas of Rwanda have done more than survive, since their population quadrupled.