Diam’s celebrates its 40th anniversary: ​​From baggy to veil… A look back at its look evolution

Since 2012, Mélanie Georgiades, alias Diam’s, has retired from the media world and the stage. While she had success as a rapper, singer, singer-songwriter (yes, just that!) between the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, she suddenly decided to stop everything. A shock for her fans who have still not recovered… Having had difficult experiences in her family life and her love life, Diam’s found comfort in Islam, a religion to which she is converted.

And it was after her fourth and last album “SOS” released in 2009 that the pretty brunette took the plunge. After a marriage and a child, she finds love again in the arms of a new man of Greek origin, also a convert to Islam. With him, Diam’s will have a second child named Abraham. If her life has totally changed and her looks too! Indeed, the former rapper has swapped her baggies and her tomboy style for an Islamic veil. A look that she loves and that she assumes as she had also explained during an interview granted to the show “Sept à Huit” on TF1. More discreet, Diam’s has become Mélanie again and it is now through her books that her fans can find her.

Yesterday, Saturday July 25, Diam’s celebrated its 40th anniversary. Full of ambitions, the mother of the family has also recently created her own travel agency specializing in pilgrimages to Mecca. Unfortunately, her project was stopped due to the coronavirus epidemic, but on Instagram she promises to come back quickly. In any case, and as always, her fans of the first do not let her go and this, in all her projects. To discover absolutely all the photos of the evolution of Diam’s look, it happens just above!

>> And you, what do you think of Diam’s new look?

The fashion editor

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