Diam’s atomized in TPMP, Internet users shocked!

Barely a week has passed and already many controversies abound on social networks. In particular on the side of Gims who asked his fans (and in particular the Muslims) not to offer him their wishes for 2022, on the grounds that “it is not part of our convictions […] We respect but it’s not our holidays“. Same thing for birthdays:”I suffer with it. It is one more step towards death. We don’t celebrate that. It is not part of our convictions, come and we focus on our own things. It’s not mean. But let’s stay strong on our values“. Words which aroused strong reactions. The rapper was notably reframed by Valérie Pécresse to whom he claimed to provide his support.

Invited Wednesday January 5 of TPMP on C8, the very patriotic influencer Juliette Briens returned to the controversy. On this occasion, she also mentioned the choice of Diam’s and caused the fury of some Internet users. Because the young woman has not been dead hand with the former rapper. “You say that Diam’s had the courage to be a good Muslim, she veiled herself from head to toe, she went to Saudi Arabia, the cousin, the couscoussière… and you find that brilliant? There is nothing to be happy about, me, when I see that, it terrifies me“she said.

I never spoke of a ruined career, and I never spoke of Saudi Arabia. Diam’s new life is a conscious choice. On the other hand, the word ‘couscoussière’, explain to me what it means …“Asks the columnist Raymond. The young woman then tried to explain that it was a joke on oriental food, but Internet users quickly stepped up to the plate:

No, but who is this “patriotic” influencer? I am a patriot and I abhor his extremist remarks which incite hatred. Fire her, she discredits the patriots of which she is not a part. Diam’s does not live in France, so she leaves her and her beliefs alone. “,” She is absolutely unbearable and inaudible. She shifts the debate, is in an infinite loop of her extreme right-wing ideologies and above all she misinterpreted Raymond’s words when I saw nothing wrong with what he said on Monday evening. I have nothing against Diams. She chose to live her life. Like a Christian woman who would become a nun or enter a convent. As long as she does not proselytize, she lives her faith. I have nothing against. little respect for everyone“.

See also: Franck Dubosc kicked out by his partner Danièle!

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