“Diamond Shovel”, Blue Hawaii | The duty

The feeling of being in a dark, smoky warehouse, being surrounded by strangers, dancing. Raphaelle Standell and Agor “DJ Kirby” Cowan, the Montreal duo that forms Blue Hawaii, return with a remarkable new album — the first with Awesome Productions / Helix Records after having been with Arbutus Records for a long time. The BPM accelerates with Diamond Shovela record which combines nostalgic electro-pop from the 1990s and 2000s, dance music dark, but also sounds and a rhythm that sometimes almost border on gabber. Let us cite in this regard the excellent tracks which are Diamond Shovel, Summer For The Loners And Boom Boom (feat. Sky Leon). In short, the album invites us to a big party, not forgetting to offer us a few well-deserved moments of respite with Bedroom Flowers (intro)this bubble of air in the deliciously suffocating atmosphere of the whole, as well as Heartsfeltsoright And Drive a Fast Car When I’m Dreaming which herald the dawn. Blue Hawaii is well and truly ready to take over the clubs this summer.

Click here to view an excerpt.

Diamond Shovel


Blue Hawaii, Awesome Productions / Helix Records

To watch on video

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