Diabetes: prevent it, treat it

November 14 is the world diabetes daythe opportunity for Bonjour Docteur to take stock of this disease.

There are currently in France approximately 4 million patients with diabetes, a constantly growing number. Chronic disease, diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by the presence of an excess of sugar in the blood, called hyperglycemia.

There is not one but two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2, the most common (92%). Linked to an excessively rich or unbalanced diet and a lack of physical activity, type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing type. But it is also the one that is the most accessible to prevention.

Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Dr Emmanuelle Lecornet Sokol, endocrinologist and diabetologist. She explains the differences between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, the reasons for the increase in the number of diabetes cases and the ways to prevent type 2 diabetes. She also tells us about the treatments that currently exist to prolong both the duration and the quality of life of the patients.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed talks to us today about the indefinite strike by biologists in analytical laboratories to protest against government savings measures. He also tells us this funny anecdote of an Indian neurologist receiving at his consultation a child who struggles with math.

Dr Emmanuelle Lecornet Sokol answers a listener’s question: “I triggered a Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism when my husband died at 47, and went into menopause at 50. I took replacement therapy for 10 years and my gynecologist advised me to stop because my grandmother had breast cancer. I followed his advice, and I trigger terrible sweats. Are the two related (stopping treatment and my Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism)? Would it be possible to resume treatment? »

Hello Doctor then answers the question of another listener: “My 12 year old daughter takes antihistamines forasthma, she takes Montelukast. I wanted to know if it had an impact on his heart, today or later? She also takes Ventolin at the same time. »

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