The political scientist and director of the opinion department at Ifop was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday September 16, 2024.
Reading time: 24 min

Jérôme Fourquet, political scientist and director of the opinion department at Ifop, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Monday September 16, 2024. New government, National Rally vote… He answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Michel Barnier at Matignon: France is experiencing an “extraordinary” political situation
With a Prime Minister from a minority party, France is experiencing a political situation “out of the ordinary”, “unpublished”analyzes Jérôme Fourquet. The political scientist prefers to speak of “very special coalition with a junior member”rather than “cohabitation”. Jérôme Fourquet does not “I don’t see how a sustainable scenario can be put in place”before a possible new dissolution in ten months.
Some 52% of French people “satisfied” with Michel Barnier’s choice
This nomination divides the French even if 52% of those surveyed say “satisfied” of the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon, indicates Jérôme Fourquet, based on the Ifop poll carried out on September 9 for The Sunday Journal. Among these 52%, there are “mainly people from the right and the Macronist camp, but also minorities on the left or in the RN”explains Jérôme Fourquet. If for these voters, the choice of Barnier “is not necessarily the right one, “It has at least one virtue, which is that we are emerging from this instability and this crisis.”analyzes the political scientist.
“70%” of RN voters come from “communes with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants”
In a barometer established with the Terram Institute, Jérôme Fourquet analyses the geography of the vote for the National Rally. “Of the 10.5 million voters who voted for the National Rally or the Ciotti allies, 70% live in municipalities with fewer than ten thousand inhabitants.”explains the political scientist.
Jérôme Fourquet observes that at “municipal level”there is no “correlation between population from immigrant background and vote for the National Rally”. “In general, it is the least desirable places where the RN vote will be the most important”summarizes Jérôme Fourquet.