developed countries on alert in the face of global warming


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

D. Karcher-Mourgues, JB. Marteau, T. Le Bras, F. Goncalves, S. Korwin – France 3

France Televisions

COP26 on climate began in Glasgow, Scotland. The leaders of the different countries have two weeks to make real commitments.

Despite their apparent relaxation, world leaders, gathered in Glasgow (Scotland) for the COP26 on the climate, know it: the stake is crucial. From the opening of the conference, Monday, November 1, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sounded the alarm: “The anger and impatience of the world will be out of control if we do not succeed in making this COP26 the moment when we take global warming in hand.”

According to specialists, global warming could reach 2.7 ° C by the end of the century. The world leaders had nevertheless committed in 2015 to limit it to 1.5 ° C and to finance the ecological transition of the poorest countries. A commitment that is not fulfilled by everyone today. “All developed economies must now contribute their fair share because leadership requires exemplarity “, estimated Emmanuel Macron. For his part, US President Joe Biden called for action to be taken quickly, saying that “the eyes of history are on us “.

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