Detox. What is the contribution period necessary to receive a full pension?


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Small calculation problem for Anne Hidalgo, candidate of the socialist party for the Presidential, when she was invited on France Inter, Thursday, January 13.

Small calculation problem for Anne Hidalgo, candidate of the socialist party for the Presidential. Invited on France Inter, Thursday January 13, the mayor of Paris is challenged by a listener: “I was born in 1975, and since the age of 22, I have worked without any period of unemployment. So I would like to know at what age I will retire. If you say that you are sanctuarizing the retirement age at 62, could I have my full pension at 62? »

After recalling that she would not change, in addition to the retirement age, the contribution period necessary to receive a full pension, Anne Hidalgo replies: “If you have your quarters at 62, you will leave at 62. year “. An answer which is not really one, and which may suggest that the listener could be answered. Wrongly.

Today, 62 years is the legal retirement age, from which the French can liquidate their retirement. But if they have not contributed a certain number of quarters, which depends on their year of birth, this retirement will be incomplete.

However, this minimum period of contribution to receive a full pension, which the mayor of Paris does not want to change, is 43 years for people born after 1973. The auditor being born in 1975, it is therefore this period which applicable to him… Having started working at the age of 22, he will therefore not be able to have his quarters at the age of 62… and will therefore not be able to benefit from a full pension before the age of 65.

find rehab Monday to Thursday, on the show 28 Minutes on Arte, presented by Elisabeth Quin.
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