detox through plantar reflexology.

…. Evidenced by the extraordinary document entitled “Papyrus of Ebers” which is the oldest medical treatise that has come down to us from antiquity, being 3,500 years old. It was written during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep, discovered by Edwin Smith in Luxor in 1862, and it was then bought by the German Egyptologist Georg Ebers who gave it his name because it was he who had the merit of deciphering the hieroglyphs of this precious papyrus which is currently preserved in the university library of Leipzig in Germany

And what does the Ebers papyrus say? “You have to start by purifying the body by eliminating the miasma”.

But how does foot reflexology work to detoxify our body?

Cécile Billard, reflexologist at Chatel Guyon

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