Detox. The Covid-19 vaccine is well recommended for pregnant women in the UK


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Researcher Laurent Mucchielli, very active in the covidosceptic sphere, affirmed it on Twitter on September 10: “The Government of the United Kingdom has just recommended that pregnant and breastfeeding women avoid the mRNA vaccine against Covid-19”.

Covid-19 vaccine now not recommended for pregnant women in UK? Researcher Laurent Mucchielli, very active in the covidosceptic sphere affirmed it on Twitter on September 10 : “ The UK Government has just advised pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid the mRNA vaccine against Covid-19, because “sufficient guarantees as to the safe use of the vaccine cannot be given at this time” “, Since the end of August, dozens of similar posts feed the rumor mill on social networks.

The former director of the Marseille IHU, Didier Raoult, also said so in an interview on BFMTV on Tuesday September 6, before being denied by journalists on set.

This intox is based on an extract from a dated report. At the time, the vaccine was not recommended, as a precautionary principle, because clinical trials carried out by Pfizer in December 2020 did not include pregnant women.

However, on the British government’s website, a summary of this report was published with the mention of an update on August 16, 2022, which may suggest that it is an updated version.

It is not so. Since this report, data has been collected, and the United Kingdom strongly recommends vaccination for pregnant women, particularly at risk of developing a severe form of covid-19.

Faced with this rumour, the health security agency had to call back on Twitter that “a lot of data shows that the vaccine is safe and very effective against serious diseases”.

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