Detox. No, Vladimir Putin is not seeking to seize American weapons in Ukraine


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Is Vladimir Putin delaying the invasion of Ukraine to get his hands on American weapons? So says Jack Posobiec, a very influential American conservative activist and TV presenter.

In a tweet that went viral, posted on February 11, TV host Jack Posobiec, conservative activist and influential presenter, relays a screenshot from the CNN channel, displaying the face of Vladimir Putin. In “breaking news”, the banner of the information channel indicates: “ According to multiple sources, Putin will delay the invasion until Biden delivers weapons to Ukraine for Russia to pick up. »

In the caption of his tweet, Jack Posobiec assures: “ This is a real CNN headline. » In the comments, several Internet users take this image as a joke. othersin contrast, fail to disentangle the true from the false.

At the end of January, the United States did deliver equipment and ammunition to Ukraine, in the context of rising tensions with Russia. But the information was not at all treated from this angle by the American channel.

In reality, this screenshot has been manipulated. Specifically, the CNN banner, created from scratch, never existed. The scene is taken from a set of the show At this hour, broadcast in March 2017. It features a report on suspected Russian state interference in US elections. The original banner then reads: ” According to several sources, Donald Trump’s hopes of forging an agreement with Russia are fading. Unrelated, therefore, to the current situation in Ukraine.

find rehab Monday to Thursday, on the show 28 Minutes on Arte, presented by Elisabeth Quin.
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