Detox. No, there were no demonstrators on the arm of the CRS.


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On February 8, the day after a day of mobilization against pension reform, three striking photos appeared on Twitter. They show demonstrators hugging CRS in the middle of a demonstration.

Where does the intox come from?

On February 8, the day after a day of mobilization against pension reform, three striking photos appeared on Twitter. They show demonstrators hugging CRS in the middle of a demonstration. The Internet user who shares them comments: “These photos of yesterday’s demonstration are crazy. Viral, they accumulate more than 20,000 views, before being deleted by their author.

Why is this wrong?

These scenes never existed. They are in fact taken from “Midjourney”, an artificial intelligence tool that allows you to create images from scratch from a textual description. Contacted by Désintox, the one who generated these photos, a former graphic designer, specifies that he wanted to “alert” on the hyper realism of artificial intelligence and say “that we must be wary of what we see”.

But to sort the true from the false, there was a clue. Looking more closely, we can see that the hand of one of the CRS… has six fingers! A recurring bug in images created by AI,

Another example: this image, also generated thanks to Midjourney and published on February 9 on social networks. Hugely shared, it shows a little Turkish boy victim of the deadly earthquake that hit the country. He is rescued by a Greek firefighter, also with a six-fingered hand. A defect that will probably soon be corrected by the tool, which will unfortunately only increase ITS potential for misinformation.

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