Detox. No, there is no open and free passage through the access gates in public transport in Sweden


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Sweden is fortunate to be one of those countries that benefits from predominantly positive stereotypes. The people there would be tall, blond with blue eyes, but above all honest.

For several months, a story written in French has been regularly shared on social networks, in particular by North African accounts.

It tells the story of an Algerian engineer who walks into a Stockholm metro station. He notices that among the many access gates, a passage is free and free. The man asks the ticket seller why this turnstile is open without any security guard nearby.

The lady explains to him that it is for people who, for whatever reason, do not have the money to pay for their ticket. Surprised, he asks her: What if the person had money but just didn’t want to pay? ” To which she replies: ” But why would she do that? “.

The engineer then buys his ticket, passes through the paying gate and continues to observe the free passage which remains empty. The story ends with this moral: honesty is one of the most liberating values ​​a people can have. A society that has succeeded in transforming this value into something natural is undoubtedly in a higher state of development. “.

This web story is too good to be true. Contacted by Désintox, the public transport company of Stockholm indicates that “ this information is incorrect. You are only allowed to travel on Stockholm public transport if you have a valid ticket » and emphasizes that the ticket purchase serves to « maintain and develop the public transport system in Stockholm “. Another form of virtue.

Find “Désintox” from Monday to Thursday, on the show “28 Minutes” on Arte, presented by Elisabeth Quin.
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