Detox. No, there is no “epidemic of the unvaccinated”

A ” epidemic of unvaccinated “! Many of them use or have used this shocking slogan, supposed to convince the hesitant to get vaccinated. Among them: the American President Joe Biden, the head of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, through the office of the Minister of Health in France. But eleven months after the first bites, can we really continue to talk about a pandemic of unvaccinated people?

The vaccine, of course, always helps to slow down the epidemic: the more vaccinated there are, the harder the virus is to circulate. Likewise, the more people vaccinated, the less serious forms of Covid-19 are expected to be identified. And if vaccines do not offer complete protection against contamination, and even tend to be less effective over time, their effect is not zero – far from it. Even today, there are four times fewer positive cases in France, among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated.

But when three quarters of the inhabitants, as in France, are vaccinated, the positive cases mathematically end up being found in the majority in this population. At the beginning of November, there were even twice as many vaccinated as unvaccinated among the new positive cases.

It is logical that the vaccinated are now the most numerous to relay the virus “, Confirms to Désintox Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the Scientific Council, who adds that under these conditions:” it is indeed false to speak of epidemic of non-vaccinated “.

This slogan, in addition to being wrong, can above all prove to be counterproductive. On November 24, WHO Director Tedros Ghebreyesus expressed concern over “ false sense of security that vaccines have ended the pandemic, and that vaccinated people do not need to take any further precautions “.

Find Detox Monday to Thursday, on the show 28 minutes on Arte, presented by Elisabeth Quin.
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