During Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, 2 million immigrants would have come to settle in France. Eric Zemmour has been waving this figure for weeks, even inspiring the right-wing primary candidate Eric Ciotti.
During Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, 2 million immigrants would have come to settle in France. Eric Zemmour has been waving this figure for weeks, even inspiring the right-wing primary candidate Eric Ciotti, during the last Republicans debate. Except that this figure is wrong. In several ways.
To achieve this, the polemicist, convicted of incitement to racial discrimination, and Eric Ciotti add to the 277,000 residence permits issued in 2019, the more than 100,000 asylum seekers. Problem: people who get asylum – some 36,000 in 2019 – are already counted in residence permits, since they get one in the year of the application, or the year after. Eric Zemmour therefore sees double.
The same goes for people who have been refused asylum. Even if a majority of them remain in France after the failure of their application, they will partly be reflected in the statistics: first because some will reintroduce an asylum application, then because others will be regularized and will be found in the residence permits.
To these two flows, Eric Zemmour adds unaccompanied minors. It is impossible to determine how many return to the territory each year. Not bothered by any more statistical ineptitude, the polemicist adds each year their estimated number on the territory – 40,000 souls – thus mixing their “stock” with the “flows” of entries into the territory. Last but not least, the former journalist forgets to count the exits from the territory. According to INSEE, in 2017, there were 63,000, for 261,000 entries. What makes, in total, a big figure, and especially a lot of approximations.
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