Detox. No, there are no “new words” generated by inclusive writing.


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Horizons deputy François Jolivet shared on Twitter, on June 13, a visual broadcast on Cnews on new expressions to be used in inclusive writing.

Propaganda !

Where does the intox come from?

MP Horizons François Jolivet shared on Twitter, June 13, a visual broadcast on Cnews on new expressions to use in inclusive writing. According to the news channel, it should now say “Misix”, “Mapa” rather than Mom and Dad, or “neuternity” rather than maternity or paternity.

The rules would also change for adjectives. We could write “surprix” instead of “surprised” or “surprise”, or “confux” for confused.

Why is this wrong?

In its “L’heure des pros” program of June 13, CNews seems to have drawn all these terms from an article in Le Figaro on “the non-binary lexicon” published the day before. The daily is based on a “neutral and inclusive grammar” guide put online in 2021 by Divergenres, a Quebec association, but above all on the work carried out by the blogger “La vie en queer” in 2018.

In this militant work, which is therefore in fact nothing new, the author proposed a vocabulary list and an alternative grammar to the usual inclusive writing formed with a dash or a midpoint. The blogger actually proposes to use the expressions “neuternity”, “misix”, “mapa” or even “new” to express himself in neutral. But these ideas are only proposals, as specified in the first version of the lexicon published in 2016. “Ultimately, it is the use which will consecrate”, he observes. Five years after the publication of this work, the use of the expressions quoted by Cnews and Le Figaro remain ultra marginal… if not non-existent.

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