Detox. No, the veil has never been banned in the streets in Tunisia


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Invited on April 12 on France Inter, the finalist candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen was questioned about her proposal to ban the veil in the street.

Invited on April 12 on France Inter, the finalist candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen was questioned about her proposal to ban the veil in the street. While her interviewer Léa Salamé was surprised by a proposal that would make France the only country to ban the veil in the street or in the metro, Marine Le Pen retorted: “ Excuse me, but finally Monsieur Bourguiba had banned the veil in Algeria. »

Marine Le Pen’s statement caused a large reaction among Tunisians, amused to discover that the far-right French candidate is confusing Algeria with Tunisia, of which Habib Bourguiba was president from 1957 to 1987. This gross error is compounded by another approximation. Because the Tunisian president has not banned the veil in the street either, as Marine Le Pen suggests.

Faced with the rise of Islamism in Tunisia in the 70s and 80s and the appearance of the Islamic veil on the heads of women close to this movement, Habib Bourguiba did pass four circulars from 1981 which prohibited the wearing of ” confessional dress at school and university. The fourth circular, dating from 1987, targets agents of the administration and public establishments and requires that their ” clothing must inspire seriousness and must in no way arouse any form of provocation or attract attention “.

But if these bans therefore target the educational sphere and the administration, the Tunisian researcher Maryam Ben Salem insists on the fact that “the veil has never been banned in the street” in Tunisia.

find rehab Monday to Thursday, on the show 28 Minutes on Arte, presented by Elisabeth Quin.
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