Detox. No, the UN has not recognized an attempt to sabotage the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant by the Ukrainians


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While a team of international observers was finally able to go to Zaporijia, the UN would have publicly recognized an attempt to sabotage the nuclear power plant orchestrated by the Ukrainians, and would even have thanked Moscow for having thwarted it.

While a team of international observers was finally able to go to Zaporijia, the UN would have publicly recognized an attempt to sabotage the nuclear power plant orchestrated by the Ukrainians, and would even have thanked Moscow for having thwarted it. In any case, this is what many pro-Russian accounts claim, which relay as proofan excerpt from a United Nations press conference.

During this exchange, the spokesman for the Secretary of the United Nations, Stéphane Dujarric, answers the questions posed by the journalists. The head of the New York office of Ria Novosti, the main Russian news agency, asks him about an alleged sabotage attempt which Moscow accused kyiv of a little earlier in the day. An attack, which would have resulted in the death of the attackers, but which has not been confirmed by any independent source, and for which there is no evidence. The spokesman for the UN secretary replied: “We are happy that the Russian Federation has done what is necessary to keep the inspectors safe. »

While Stéphane Dujaric evoked the maintenance by the Russian army of the security systems of the plant, and not the famous sabotage, his answer is immediately presented by the pro-Russians as proof of the official recognition of the attack on the plant. . Questioned by Déintox, Stéphane Dujarric explains that this is not the case: “the answer was not intended as a confirmation of any act of sabotage, but a reaffirmation of the responsibility of the Russians to ensure the security of the mission when ‘it is in territory controlled by the Russians’. Propaganda is also trying to get people to say what they haven’t said.

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