Detox. No, the retirement of presidents has not yet been abolished by Macron?


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In a tweet dated March 23, majority deputy Stéphane Vojetta shared a visual from Capital magazine, evoking the retirements of the last two presidents, as well as that of Emmanuel Macron.

Where does the intox come from?

In a tweet dated March 23, majority MP Stéphane Vojetta share a visual from Capital magazine, evoking the retirements of the last two presidents, as well as that of Emmanuel Macron. While Nicolas Sarkozy is credited with 11,400 euros in pension and François Hollande with more than 15,000 euros, the current tenant of the Elysée is promised… 0 euros in pension. What Capital explains as follows: “The Head of State has in advance renounced the pension endowment of ex-presidents. And he had no other mandates.

What is true is that at the end of 2019, when the executive wanted to reform pensions towards a points system, Emmanuel Macron’s entourage had announced in Le Parisien that the President was renouncing the special regime for presidents and intended modify it.
According to article 19 of the law of April 3, 1955, former presidents of the French Republic are granted an annual allocation of some 6,200 euros gross per month, with no required contribution period.

A year later, in the fall of 2020, the Elysée, questioned by Challenge on the progress of the promise evoked a decree in the course of elaboration.
Except that today, nothing has been done. In mid-February, the Elysée assured opinion that the commitment held, and was linked to the ongoing pension reform. But no measure in the text mentions the retirement system for presidents. Questioned by Désintox, the entourage of Emmanuel Macron did not give further details.

So much so that more than 3 years later, the president’s commitment to give up his very special diet is still only a promise… which has not yet been followed by any effect.

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