Detox. No, the Red Cross does not launder money in Ukraine.


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Several Internet users share, at the end of March, a very curious video. Lasting about a minute, it shows scrap metal suitcases filled with wads of dollars and flocked with the logo of the International Committee of the Red Cross, suggesting that the organization is laundering money in Ukraine.

Could the Red Cross be involved in money laundering cases in Ukraine? That’s what suggest several Internet users who share, at the end of March, a very curious video. Lasting about a minute, it shows scrap metal suitcases filled with wads of dollars and flocked with the logo of the ICRC, the International Committee of the Red Cross. ” When La Croix goes to a country, they don’t go there for humanitarian work, that would be known… » comments a Twitter user.

These images are part of the context of strong mistrust around the Red Cross since the beginning of the Russian invasion. She is reproached for her neutrality “, or even to have carried out ” forced evacuations from Ukrainians to Russia. What the humanitarian organization formally denies, considering itself the victim of a disinformation campaign.

Regarding this video, one thing is certain: it was not filmed in Ukraine recently, since we find an occurrence from 2021. The scene is then attributed to a situation of corruption in Nigeria. These same images also appear on YouTube in 2019 and on Twitter, in January 2018. At that time, the ICRC had already condemned these images, citing ” malicious innuendo “. On March 30, the American RedCross again denied these allegations.

Still, it is difficult to know where and when these images were shot. As journalists noted in 2018, a UN report the year before published evidence of Libyan money hidden in Ghana in fake Red Cross trunks. Images very similar to those of the video.

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