Detox. No, ex-soldier Adrien Bocquet did not witness war crimes perpetrated by the Ukrainian army on Russian prisoners.


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In recent days, Moscow has relayed to various diplomatic sources a long argument showing the benefits of Russian action in the Donbass, as well as evidence of alleged abuses by Ukrainian forces. Among the elements supporting this Russian version of the war is the transcription of the testimony of a Frenchman, on Sud Radio on May 10.

Propaganda bothers little with lies, even when the latter are widely established. In recent days, Moscow has relayed to various diplomatic sources a long argument showing the benefits of Russian action in the Donbass, as well as evidence of alleged abuses by Ukrainian forces. Among the elements supporting this Russian version of the war is the transcription of the testimony of a Frenchman, on Sud Radio on May 10.

Adrien Bocquet, a former soldier, told of having witnessed war crimes perpetrated by the forces of kyiv, during his humanitarian trip to Ukraine. In particular executions, or acts of torture on Russian prisoners. Comments made in several media.

Problem, Désintox carried out the investigation, and obtained the proof that the ex-soldier could not, in reality, have attended the facts which he describes. The dates of his entry into and exit from Ukrainian territory are notably incompatible with his account. So much so that Adrien Boquet ended up changing the version, assuring for example a week later, still on Sud Radio, that he had finally not attended fights in Butcha as he had first suggested. .

This does not prevent Moscow from widely quoting the young man who therefore did not see what he claims to tell… and moreover recognizes it himself. This does not mean that some members of Ukrainian law enforcement have not committed war crimes.

Find “Désintox” from Monday to Thursday, on the show “28 Minutes” on Arte, presented by Elisabeth Quin.
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