Detox. No, CNRS researchers do not oppose scientific progress


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Are CNRS researchers opposed to scientific progress? This is what emerges, in recent days, from the interpretation, by several economists and journalists, of a survey carried out within the research center.

The liberal economist Nicolas Bouzou, at the microphone of Europe 1 on October 10, said he was worried about the ” denial of science by some scientists “.
And to give these results: 90% of people questioned at the CNRS consider the boycott of food products containing GMOs acceptable, 45% are for the destruction of plants in the open field, 65% are against the installation of telephone antennas, a third are against the obligation to vaccinate. I pass and not the best… »

angry reaction, the next day on Twitterfrom one of the co-authors of the study, the sociologist Michel Dubois: If the presenters-journalists of Europe 1 took the time to read the survey instead of peddling ridiculous remarks… We can dream… »

In fact, Nicolas Bozou misinterpreted the study, part of which is devoted to ” social mobilizations against technological innovations “. With this question: How do scientists view these actions? »

The purpose of this internal investigation was not to find out whether the CNRS researchers are “for” the destruction of GMO plants or “against” the obligation to vaccinate, but whether or not they consider these actions “acceptable”. . At no time is there any question of espousing or denouncing the defended cause. With Desintox, Michel Dubois, specifies: “ It’s like asking people if they find it legitimate that in a democracy, a politician has an opponent: 99% of people would answer yes, but 99% would not necessarily agree with the positions of the opponent “.

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