Detox. Delinquency fell well before the arrival of Gérald Darmanin at the Ministry of the Interior


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Gérald Darmanin welcomed in the Parisian : ” I see that general delinquency has dropped for five years. “

After blowing on the embers by denouncing an outbreak of insecurity, the Minister of the Interior now wants to be reassuring. Gérald Darmanin thus congratulated himself in the Parisian : ” I note that general delinquency has fallen over the past five years. There are 25% fewer burglaries, half as many thefts with a weapon than under the last two five years “. Contacted by Désintox, the minister’s office specifies that it is based on figures from the ministerial statistical service for internal security.

If we observe the average number of thefts with weapons per quarter, there are indeed, half as many under the Macron presidency than under Nicolas Sarkozy. But difficult for the current executive to claim this decrease since half had already taken place … between the Sarkozy and Hollande mandates (-26%).

It is even more obvious when observing the number of these flights per year. From 16,200 events recorded in 2009 – the peak of the phenomenon – we go to 8,600 in 2016, the last year of Holland’s mandate… Then to 7,500 in 2019. The drop did take place, but above all, before the arrival of Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée.

For burglaries, the 25% drop mentioned by the Ministry of the Interior did take place between 2017 and 2020. But between confinements and curfews, last year recorded a historic drop in burglaries, which, according to specialists, has nothing to do with the success of any security policy. Other statistics are also pointing upwards. Like assault and battery, or even scams. Figures that the Minister was careful not to quote …

Find Detox Monday to Thursday, on the show 28 minutes on Arte, presented by Elisabeth Quin.
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