Detox. A demonstration against the government presented as false by LCI nevertheless took place


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On September 5, LCI devotes a subject to the propaganda of Russian television, accused of having invented a demonstration in France to make people believe in the anger of its citizens.

On September 5, LCI devotes a subject to the propaganda of Russian television, accused of having invented a demonstration in France to make people believe in the anger of its citizens: “ If we are to believe the subject we are going to see now, we are very divided in Europe, but also in France. And you might be a little surprised, look “, ironically the journalist.

This is followed by an excerpt from a report by the Adin TV channel: “PAris rumbles, hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of the French capital. The participants of action resistance protested against the policy of the authorities which, according to them, does not help the population to bear the consequences of the economic crisis. In their mouths, a single slogan: Macron resignation. »

According to LCI, there was no demonstration, and these images are a “assembly”. Gold as some Internet users have quickly noticedthe images shown on the screen were indeed shot in a demonstration, on Saturday September 3, in Paris.

Florian Philippot, one of its organizers jumped on the occasion to denounce an “LCI gate”. ” When we say that a demonstration of opponents does not exist, tyranny no longer knocks at your door, it is already there, well established! “. The ex-lieutenant of Marine Le Pen shared photos where he appears behind the orange “Resistance” banner, visible in the report of the Russian channel.

LCI ended up apologizing, citing a “regrettable mistake”. This did not calm the pro-Russian activists, who were far too happy to be able to denounce Western propaganda.

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