Emmanuel Macron sent his wishes to the French for 2024 in a speech broadcast on Sunday at 8 p.m. Political reactions from all sides are increasing.
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On Sunday, December 31, the President of the Republic presented his wishes to the French for the year 2024. A “year of determination, efficiency and results” he promised in a 13-minute speech delivered from the Elysée gardens. There was talk of Europe, the Olympic Games, pension reform and even “economic rearmament.” As soon as Emmanuel Macron’s speech was finished, the reactions followed, particularly on social networks.
“These wishes are symptomatic of the way in which Emmanuel Macron approaches politics, that is to say an absence of total lucidity on the reality of the country”, estimates Alexis Corbière, LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis invited on franceinfo after the speech by the President of the Republic. For Alexis Corbière, the year 2023 was a “year of social, democratic and even ecological brutalization”.
“Lies”, “hollowness”, “helplessness”
Emmanuel Macron “drowned in his lies” in “inventing a country without unemployment, purchasing power crisis and endemic violence“, reacts Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN deputy for the Somme, guest on franceinfo. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t have an enthusiastic vision of the future.” he continues, “but being so disconnected and above ground is very worrying”. The deputy for Somme fears that these wishes “confirm” that the head of state “will do nothing for the difficulties of purchasing power and wages” faced by the French. By evoking a “decisive choice” between “continue Europe or block it” during his vows, Emmanuel Macron is “stepped out of his role as president” says Jean-Philippe Tanguy. He accuses the head of state of having used “the material means of the Elysée and a moment of bringing the nation together” to make “politician policy”.
“He has accustomed us to political marketing, but it sounds more and more hollow,” estimates LR deputy Fabien Di Filippo, on franceinfo. According to the deputy for Moselle, the president posted “blissful optimism” in contradiction with “the real situation in the country”. “We cannot be satisfied with a speech that misses the real issues”according to him. “There is a desire to mask a form of helplessness and responsibility in the current situation”he finished.
“Beautiful tribute”, “determined”, “constant”
The Renaissance deputy of Hérault, Patrick Vignal greets on franceinfo a “speech which corresponded to the year 2023.” “I found a president who set a determined course”, he added. “We cannot blame the president for being a determined person,” before concluding : “I liked the president’s speech, I am now waiting for it to come to fruition.”
Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak highlights on “a beautiful tribute (…) to the craftsmen, companions and entrepreneurs who work on the magnificent Notre-Dame de Paris construction site. Yes, it is a real source of French pride.”
Also supported by the Minister of National Education: “Emmanuel Macron determined and constant”, underlines Gabriel Attal.
“Curses”, “self-righteousness”, “grandiloquence”
“The president clearly lives in another dimension,” estimates on X the national secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, after the wishes of Emmanuel Macron. “Pretending to build a ‘fairer’ France by imposing pension reform and remaining dangling in the face of inflation…”he adds.
“We counted on wishes, we received curses”denounces Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “He says: more and faster! Our wishes: not that! Another France is possible”adds the former rebellious candidate in the presidential election.
For Thomas Portes, dLFI deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron “continues its contempt by welcoming the adoption of the pension reform. A reform adopted against the advice of the French. The member of the law committee also denounces the “cynicism” of the President of the Republic who “evokes the difficulty of finding accommodation.”
Mathilde Panot denounces “a self-satisfied act of unprecedented indecency.” The president, she said, “is delighted to have broken our rights to retirement, to unemployment, to an immigration law which takes up Le Pen’s program and to have increasingly impoverished the people of France.” Before concluding : “Cursed be Macron’s world, another will be born.”
“Deliberately misleading wishes of the President of the Republic”, believes in turn Eric Ciotti, president of the Republicans. “After having fallen behind on almost everything since 2017, we had to dare to say that we would be ten years ahead in 2027!”he finishes.
Similar echo from Marine Le Pen who posts on X: “Like a French flag lost in a soulless setting, E. Macron drowns in his lies, inventing a country without a purchasing power crisis or without violence. He sees and hears nothing of the difficulties of the French. Conclusion: he will do nothing. Can’t wait for June 9!”
“13 minutes where the grandiloquence of the verb seeks to mask the absence of perspective”denounces for his part the First Secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure. “Authority has replaced justice, the verb ‘act’ only serves to erode the rights of the French, while rearmament is just a sales pitch when our public services are abandoned”he writes. “Let’s change!”