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Editor-in-chief of Nouveau Détective magazine, Julie Rigoulet is invited to the 11pm set and discusses the cases told in her book.
Whether in the cinema or on television through series, documentaries or broadcasts, news items are fascinating. Julie Rigoulet, editor-in-chief of Nouveau Détective magazine, explains that this phenomenon is not new since her weekly has been in existence since 1928. She explains that many identify with the victims and with the families of victims. According to her, the news item, paradoxically, is reassuring. Indeed, Julie Rigoulet explains that knowing what is going on elsewhere creates a feeling of invulnerability.
The book “Detective, a century of facts” was created with the desire to tell the story of the weekly and its founders. Julie Rigoulet affirms that the work recounts the evolution of society and that of France, through large-scale criminal cases.