details on the citizen income proposed by Yannick Jadot


France 2

Article written by

G. Daret, N. El Hammouchi, JM. Mier, A. Tranchant – France 2

France Televisions

Less than eight weeks before the presidential election, the candidates are refining their program. The editorial staff of 20 Heures was interested in a measure by the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot, a citizen income paid from the age of 18 which must guarantee everyone a minimum of 920 euros per month.

Eradicating extreme poverty is Yannick Jadot’s stated objective. For this, he wants to create a citizen income to guarantee 920 euros per month to everyone. This automatic income would be paid to everyone from the age of 18. “I want through this measure, to offer everyone the means for a dignified life, the means to choose their life”said candidate Yannick Jadot.

But is it effective in fighting poverty? The Abbé Pierre Foundation is very favorable to the principle. But the foundation, like others, would like to have more details on what this income will contain. According to the candidate’s teams, the RSA would be integrated into it, as well as housing aid, scholarships or the youth guarantee. The additional cost would be 15 to 20 billion euros per year.

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