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It is already the end of the holidays, and the return to the classrooms. Monday January 3, the start of the school year will be with new health rules in the primary classes. Here is the detail.
For the start of the school year, Monday January 3, new health rules are emerging. Tests will be favored, instead of classes. “Today I prefer that my daughter is at school with the other children rather than staying at home, that she spends her days alone with the two working parents”, rejoices a father. As soon as a schoolboy under the age of 12 tests positive for Covid-19, all his classmates will have to be screened, via a PCR or antigen test. The results must be negative for a return to class. The pupils will then have to carry out a self-test, 2 and 4 days later.
To compensate for the absences of teachers, the Minister of Education announced, Sunday, January 2, that continuing education will be suspended. Contractual and temporary staff will also be recruited. Several teachers’ unions have filed strike notices. In particular, they are calling for better equipment to protect themselves against the virus. Only 20% of primary schools are in fact equipped with CO2 sensors. Finally, meetings between parents and teachers will be held remotely, and cafes in the teachers’ room should be consumed while seated.