Dessert cream recipes

Jean Sebastien MENGIN, our chef, gave us his step-by-step recipes and ideas for creams, for example a crème brûlée with bergamot to treat yourself to a Nancy flavor for dessert.

Evelyne, from Xeuilley, gave us her great crème caramel recipe, and Gilles explained to us how to make caramel crème caramel.

Our leader

Jean Sebastien MENGIN, chef of the restaurant “les dandelions”, rue des ponts in Nancy

Our culinary expert

As we were talking about creams, Pauline, pastry chef at “la Maison dans le Parc”, in Nancy, we learned how to make a good pastry cream.

One day a trade

As it’s citrus season, Lulu, from Huyar Primeur, at the central market in Nancy, gave us a little inventory of the citrus fruits he presents, organic lemon, red mandarins (if there are any), oranges.. .

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