despite their victory against Wales, the Blues finish second


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

G.Naboulet, M.Niewenglowski, L.Feuillebois – franceinfo

France Televisions

Large winner of Wales, the XV of France must nevertheless be satisfied with second place in the six-nation tournament, behind Ireland, which achieves the Grand Slam.

Eyes glued to the TV, the Blues were the first supporters of England, Saturday March 18. It was finally Ireland that won, and the Grand Slam will be this year for the Greens. If France finished second, the Blues have made further progress, and thrill those who come to admire them.

Fans delighted by the XV of France

The XV of France exudes a form of insurance, magnified by a tremendous desire to play. Jonathan Danty flattened the second try, the 80,000 spectators only had eyes for the Blues. “[L’équipe] is alive, it is dynamic on the ground. And it shows what we are really capable of on the new generation”, comments a supporter. The Blues still scored five tries this Saturday, and reached 41 points. They have only one defeat in the last 18 games. The World Cup in France in September is on everyone’s mind.

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