despite the threats, the Iran International channel covers the protest movement from London

The television channel deals daily with the protest movement in Iran, which earned it the wrath of the regime and the impossibility of going to the country. The editorial team therefore had to invent a new way of working.

On social networks or by messaging, the editorial staff of Iran International, based in London, consults and receives, every day, hundreds of videos, sounds and even a few lines. Everything goes through the service of Pooya Jahandar. This journalist must ensure the veracity of these documents before putting them on the air.

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All the details count, depending on the region, accents and pronunciation can be different and give an indication just like recognizing a building. “For example, there was a demonstration in Tehran two days ago, in front of the Ministry of Oilsays Pooya Jahandar to franceinfo. One factor that allowed us to authenticate the videos was the weather. It had snowed on the capital so thanks to the ice, to the clothes that people were wearing, it gave a positive indication. We had several videos with different angles in the same place. You could see the same slogans.”

Credibility as the only weapon

Journalists from the editorial staff of Iran International have been threatened in London. Intimidation taken seriously to the point that these 150 professionals now work from home and some are under police protection. The credibility of Iran International is its only weapon, so it is precious. The regime regularly tries to damage it. “The plan is this: they give us false information, explains the managing editor, Aliagshar Ramezanpour and if we use them, they go to the propaganda media and they say: Look! What they are telling are lies about what is happening in Iran.” At the end of this chain of verification, there is the dissemination of this information. “Every time I give the phone number on air, to tell people to send us their photos or videos, explains Azadeh Assadi, one of the presenters. I would add: your safety is the most important thing.”

“Don’t take any risks, make sure it’s safe. Emotionally it’s very hard. Sometimes it’s heartbreaking.”

Azadeh Assadi

at franceinfo

“I left my country but my country did not leave me. I do this work because my heart is with my people”, continues the presenter Azadeh Assadi. Recently, the editorial staff has received and used information coming directly from members of the regime who thus unofficially support the demonstrators. These journalists want to see in it the prospect of change.

Despite the threats, the Iran International channel covers the protest movement from London


source site-29