despite the support of the National Assembly deputies, the motion of censure of the Nupes was rejected



France 2

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In response to the use of article 49.3 by Elisabeth Borne, two motions of censure tabled by Nupes and the National Rally were debated on Monday, October 24. They were rejected, despite Marine Le Pen’s support for the Nupes motion, as journalist Thierry Curtet explains, live from the National Assembly, Monday, October 24.

Monday, October 24, two motions of censure tabled by the Nupes and the National Rally (RN), following the use by Elisabeth Borne of article 49.3, were debated in the National Assembly. “It was Marine Le Pen who created the surprise by announcing, contrary to what she had implied, that the 89 deputies of the RN were finally going to support the motion of censure of the government tabled by the left”explains journalist Thierry Curtet, live from the National Assembly.

What is Marine Le Pen’s justification? “Finally, the text of the Nupes is acceptable in her eyes. It did not change anything, the motion was finally rejected, but Marine Le Pen above all wanted to highlight the attitude of the deputies Les Républicains. They abstained , but tonight, only their votes were needed to bring down the government. Marine Le Pen therefore made the deputies of the right look like the savior allies of the majority”concludes the journalist.

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