despite the pressure, Emmanuel Macron wants to give himself time

While some elected officials want concrete measures quickly, Emmanuel Macron assured that he wanted to “continue to dig”, before giving an answer to the urban violence of recent days.

After a week of urban violence and looting, Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday a law to speed up reconstruction after the destruction that targeted buildings, street furniture and means of transport. But for the rest, the executive is navigating, for the moment, on sight. One thing seems almost certain: there will not be a new suburban plan. “The unity of the nation will not be bought with billions”thus judges the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire in front of deputies.

>>> Urban violence: the mayor of Trappes denounces the “arrogance” of Emmanuel Macron and calls for “a vigorous, massive and ambitious plan” for the suburbs

To deal with the causes, Emmanuel Macron wants to allow himself time. In front of the mayors meeting on Tuesday July 4 at the Élysée, the president assured that he wanted “keep digging” on juvenile justice, concerning housing, the Head of State does not say “satisfied”.

Sanction families “on the first offense”

Emmanuel Macron still seems to have found a common thread: the responsibility of parents. The president still wants to financially sanction the families “on first offence” in the words of Emmanuel Macron. The Head of State indeed slipped Monday evening to police officers met in Paris that he planned to “financially and easily sanction“parents by setting up”a kind of minimum rate from the first bullshit“committed by their child, stating that they wanted to act “case by case” And “not necessarily“through the suspension of family allowances.

“There are provisions in the penal code which allow the pronouncement of fixed fines for those who do not ensure parental authority, recalls Sacha Houlié, Renaissance deputy and president of the law commission. Rather than spending time wanting to reinvent the wheel, I think we can use what exists, it’s not done enough.” Clearly, there is no need for a new piece of legislation.

Return of the right-left divide

A way of trying to cut short the debate which is beginning to rise in the majority to vote for new provisions, in the law, and to respond to this violence. But, despite everything, some in the majority want to go further, because faced with a right that puts pressure, there is the temptation to “hit harder“: “The suspension of allowances, and in particular of family allowances, when there is no reciprocity of duty that parents must exercise with regard to their children, is a debate which is completely legitimate.”

Legitimate or poisonous, all nuances exist in the majority and reappear as often, the right-left divide.“Rather than going on sanctions, we must see how we help parents to do their job”, advances for her part the deputy Les Républicains de Paris, Astrid Panosyan: “You can’t ask everything from the school, the educator, the big brother or the mediator.”

Other deputies advocate a more social approach and thus propose to work on the link between young people and the police, thanks to associations. But all the elected officials agree on one point: answers will be needed and perhaps more quickly than Emmanuel Macron wishes.

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