Invited on Franceinfo on Saturday, on the occasion of the inauguration of the 60th Agricultural Show, the president of Rural Coordination assures that “the account is still not good”, despite several announcements from Emmanuel Macron.
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“I announce to you that we are not putting an end to the mobilization“, declares Véronique Le Floc’h, president of Rural Coordination, Saturday February 24 on franceinfo, in reaction to the president’s announcements from the Agricultural Show. Actions “spontaneous” of the agricultural union “will take place as planned because Emmanuel Macron’s message, which is to produce more, challenges us”she says.
“Produce more, for whom? For which market, when they are already saturated, like organic? Produce more when we are invaded by cereals from Ukraine?” she lists. If “the account is still not good”the union representative nevertheless welcomes several announcements.
“Talking about floor prices is progress”
The President of the Republic notably mentioned a “emergency cash flow plan” to relieve farmers, “advanced”, according to her. In fact, this measure “corresponds to the requests and expectations of Rural Coordination” Who “will verify that this comes to fruition”. “He was reminded that financial distress today affected 40 % of farms in France”, she adds.
The Head of State met union officials this Saturday, before improvising two hours of debate with other representatives of the three main agricultural organizations, including the Rural Coordination. He also set the goal “so we can get out” on “floor prices which will protect agricultural income”as part of the preparation of a new law governing relations between food stakeholders.
“Talking about floor prices is progress,” reacts Véronique Le Floc’h, who promises that Rural Coordination will be vigilant. “From now on, we will see that manufacturers, when they go to export, do not go there because they have underpaid for the material,” she warns.