Despite the pandemic, the Web does not dethrone the scene

(Montreal) Even if the pandemic context has allowed many comedians to explore their art on new digital mediums, they are delighted to reconnect with the stage. A practice that will always have its place in the industry and which is part of the habits of Quebecers, believe many of them.

“Inevitably, during the pandemic, to reach the public, you had to innovate, to exercise your profession in a way other than the stage, so obviously, the Web has developed with different proposals”, remarks Johanne Pouliot, director general of the Association of Comedy Industry Professionals, on the sidelines of the announcement of appointments to the 24e Gala Les Olivier, which will take place on March 19.

“Humor is very vast, it can take on all sorts of forms. On the internet, it’s only natural that we find humor, jokes, “adds comedian Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais, crowned Discovery of the Year at the 2022 gala and finalist for the Olivier de the year.

“Yes, we’ve gone back to basics with the Web. Making jokes in front of a cellphone, with people at home, brings us back to the essence of the joke, but four years ago, nobody would have thought of doing shows on the Web or on Zoom”, illustrates Neev , who will host the portion of the Oliviers which reward members of the industry.

“Basically, no matter what platform we use, the important thing is to reach people, touch them and make them laugh,” adds the comedian of Franco-Moroccan origin.

Reconnect with viewers

That being said, this new avenue in humor is not there to replace the stage, which a majority of comedians have grown bored of over the past two years.

“I don’t think we’re going to transfer humor on stage to the internet, it’s just an additional aspect in which comedians will shine,” underlines Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais.

His colleague, Katherine Levac, agrees. “There are people who bought their tickets four years ago and who are there today, even though the show has been postponed. It’s a great recognition, to reconnect with the spectators, and it shows that we no longer take anything for granted, ”she says.

The public also seems to prefer this return to humor on stage. “The public has realized how much humor is part of Quebecers’ DNA, that it makes us feel good, adds Neev. Everyone is happy to be there, whether in the room or on the stage. »

Moreover, adds Pouliot, the halls have been packed since they reopened to the public. “He remained faithful; humor remains a cultural discipline favored by the public. The scene always has its place, that’s for sure. »

Nevertheless, the digital forums that have multiplied in recent years, including the major streaming platforms, which have bought shows or financed original comedy productions, have allowed joke professionals to be discovered by a new audience, both here and abroad.

“Personally, I do my shows for people here, and so much the better if other people listen to it and appreciate it,” says Katherine Levac. But I will not edit my content for international; I do my thing, and it’s good if it allows me to reach new audiences. »

This dispatch was produced with financial assistance from the Meta Exchange and The Canadian Press for News.

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