despite the bites of “energizing substances”, the weakened animal still does not eat

The malnutrition of the cetacean dates back “several weeks, even several months”, specifies the NGO Sea Shepherd.

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There are “little hope” May this story end well, recognizes the NGO Sea Shepherd. Five days after being discovered in the Seine, far from the cold waters to which it is accustomed, the four-meter beluga is still weakened, Sunday August 7. However, the option of euthanasia is ruled out for the time being. “He reacts to stimuli, he is not amorphous and moribund”said Lamya Essemlali, head of the NGO Sea Shepherd.

Veterinarians approached it on Saturday with the aim of administering to the cetacean “energizing substances to whet your appetite”, confirmed the sub-prefect of Évreux during a press briefing on Sunday, Isabelle Dorliat-Pouzet. “These injections made him a bit tired at first.”, before observing a renewed energy. But “he still does not eat”, alerted the sub-prefect.

Stuck since Friday in the lock of Notre-Dame-de-la-Garenne (Eure), 70 kilometers northwest of Paris, theThe animal had until then refused the herring, trout and squid that had been offered to it. The under-nutrition of the animal is not recent, according to the scientists relayed by the sub-preferred Evreux. “His lack of appetite is surely a symptom of something else, an origin that we do not know, an illness. He is undernourished and it dates back several weeks, even several months. At sea, he no longer ate “abounded Sea Shepherd.

The most likely solution being considered on Sunday would be to extract it from the water and then “transport it to a place of care so that it can then be returned to the sea”, said Isabelle Dorliat-Pouzet. Another possibility for the Prefecture, “let him end his life quietly like someone very sick who no longer has much hope of life”.

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