despite new cases, the mystery remains


Video length: 1 min

Child poisoning in Fère-Champenoise: despite new cases, the mystery remains
Several students from a school in Marne were once again victims of poisoning on the way to the canteen. Despite investigations, the origin of the discomfort remains unknown, Friday June 14.
(France 2)

Several students from a school in Marne were once again victims of poisoning on the way to the canteen. Despite investigations, the origin of the discomfort remains unknown, Friday June 14.

In Fère-Champenoise (Marne), five children again suffered from headaches and nausea. However, no explanation has been found. For the five new cases, it could be the after-effects of their first poisoning, because these students had already fallen ill 15 days earlier. Friday June 14, in front of the city’s middle school, where the children have been welcomed since their school closed, the families are still shocked.

The symptoms first appeared on the children’s journey from primary school to the canteen. As a precaution, the students changed establishments, but the scenario repeated itself a few days later, still on the way to the canteen. In total, around sixty people were treated, some were put on oxygen.

For two weeks, firefighters have been crisscrossing the town, tracking down the slightest pollutant. The carbon monoxide trail is no longer favored, food poisoning and water contamination are ruled out. Sensors have been installed in the classrooms and the refectory, yet the mystery remains.

source site-23