Despite inflation and its rising costs, Brive Festival will not increase the price of its tickets

“Without doubt the most beautiful of the editions” It is Stéphane Canarias, its director himself who says so. Brive Festival attracted 35,000 visitors in 4 days this year. It’s a little less than in 2019 but it’s a great success compared to many festivals which this post-covid summer drank the cup. A satisfaction survey was even carried out which shows that the festival is gaining more and more loyalty from its festival-goers with a very high satisfaction rate. 89% of them even say they want to come back.

Payment facilities

A dynamic that the direction of the festival does not wish to break. This is how the decision has already been made. Despite the increase in its charges, Brive Festival will not increase the price of its entries in 2023. “A price increase would be suicidal” emphasizes Stéphane Canarias. The festival management is also counting on payment facilities, in three instalments free of charge in particular, to allow everyone to come next summer. Of the limited edition punch offers are also offered, such as the 4-night pass at 120 euros.

Artists acclaimed to return

Of course, programming is the top reason for satisfaction. And when the survey asks which artists they would like to see again Brive festival-goers often cite the same ones, even those they have seen this summer. What does not fail to surprise Stéphane Canarias: “We are sometimes told “he has already come to him 2 or 3 times” and at the same time when we survey festival-goers they want to see these artists again”. The example is Julien Doré who has already come 4 times, including this summer of 2022, and who has made the most fans of this edition, and who is widely cited in the study among the artists expected again. The 2023 program will be unveiled at the end of November.

Less waiting and more parking

In the meantime, the management of Brive Festival is carefully going through the satisfaction survey to see where things need to be improved. The decision has already been made to increase the number of activities within the festival village especially during the change of artists during concerts. Management is also working on reduce the waiting time to buy a drink or a sandwich. Ditto for the waiting time at the toilet.. The big work of reflection is on parking around the Trois-Provinces site, a black spot widely cited in the study.

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