despite his steely mind, Benjamin Castaldi flinched…

When a child is born, we promise ourselves many things. He will never have access to a tablet and will content himself with reading books; he will never be scolded and dialogue will be privileged; or he will only eat healthy foods and never taste fast foods until he grows up. But sometimes, life decides otherwise and Benjamin Castaldi has had the proof.

Indeed, the columnist of “TPMP” who follows a strict diet has just failed. Throughout the week, Aurore Aleman’s companion shares his workouts worthy of the greatest gladiators to find the line and lose the extra pounds. But this Saturday, April 22, the ex-host of “Secret Story” opted for easy… and junk food. On his Instagram account, he shared a snapshot of his son Gabriel, croque McDo in hand and some fries from McDonald’s. “Well, we will have resisted two and a half years for the first McDonald’s…”he regretted in the caption of the tender snapshot shared.

See also: For his 53 years, Benjamin Castaldi receives the “most beautiful gift in the world” when he wakes up: attention, sequence of emotions!

Benjamin Castaldi and Aurore Aleman, a happy couple

The little boy is the fruit of their love born in 2015. Since that date, Benjamin Castaldi and Aurore Aleman have never left each other. It was only a year after their meeting that the columnist of “TPMP” and the casting director have announced happy news: the formalization of their union through marriage.

Four years after this beautiful milestone, the lovebirds experienced true happiness with the arrival of Gabriel, in 2020, the first child of their blended family. Since then, the neo-parents are on their little cloud and continue to share moments of complicity with their subscribers in the company of their son. A child who could soon welcome a little brother or a little sister according to the desires communicated by the couple during their stay at Jordan de Luxe.

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