despite his earnings which represent more than “23 years of salary”, he is missing “200,000 euros”

152 wins and 568,434 euros. The results are more than positive for Stéphane after his time in the “12 strokes of noon”. In August 2022, the worker had to bow out and bid farewell to the program of TF1 and Jean-Luc Reichmann. Six months after his elimination, what has he done with his winnings? Did he place them intelligently? Did he squander them? And has he lived comfortably since leaving the show?

The ex-Maître de midi gave the answer in an interview granted Journal of Haute-Marne and to France 3 Great East. “J‘ve kept my head on my shoulders, I haven’t wasted my money. I had a few little pleasures”he assured and admitted before admitting to having “spoiled” their children : “I was able to buy them things that I couldn’t have given them before”. As proof that his head has indeed remained on his shoulders, the one who still works at the factory reveals to have “placed his 390,000 euros” cash in order to meet the “hazard of life”. A sum that represents “23 years of salary”in his words.

See also: Jean-Luc Reichmann: the shock announcement published on his Instagram account!

200,000 euros more for Stéphane and his life would be perfect

As he announced when he left the game, Stéphane continued to go to work despite his winnings. He feels there “GOOD” and this allows him to don’t go around in circles”. In effect, “stay at home doing nothing”would have it very quickly “bored”as he explains to France 3 Great East.

Although he is happy to have left with such a sum, the candidate who almost lost an eye because of a cat recognizes that he would have appreciated leaving with a larger sum. Indeed, he would need a few hundred thousand euros to live without any worries:With 200,000 extra euros, I would have had what I needed. That doesn’t mean that Stéphane is complaining. He knows he is lucky and remains grateful to the “12 strokes of noon” who changed his life.


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