Despite his “big doubt”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon “did not put suspicion on the past elections”, assures Adrien Quatennens

Jean-Luc Melenchon “did not put suspicion on the past elections”, said Adrien Quatennens, coordinator of La France insoumise (LFI), on franceinfo on Tuesday June 14. The one who is also a deputy from the North was questioned about remarks made the day before by the leader of the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes), in front of journalists. “We can’t have Banana Republic customs like that in France, I think that should make you think for the future”launched Jean-Luc Mélenchon, alluding to the results of the legislative elections.

>> Legislative elections: five days before the second round, follow the campaign in our live

According to the Ministry of the Interior, Together!, a confederation which supports Emmanuel Macron, came out on top, with just over 21,000 votes ahead of Nupes, which it contests. For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who accuses the Minister of the Interior of “hack”, “It questions what happened before”. “Has this already been the case in other elections?”, he wondered. For him, “we have a big doubt now”.

A “tampering” of the results

According to Adrien Quatennens, “What is serious is not that Jean-Luc Mélenchon says to himself, after the tampering that we have been seeing for more than a week, that possibly there are sometimes doubts”. According to him, “What is serious is the fact that you have a power that says ‘damn, we have just taken an electoral defeat, can’t we take out a small handful of feathers here and there- there and by a bonneteau effect, show a result that is not the same'”.

“Support that we can be outraged by this tampering which – despite the ingenuity of Mr. Darmanin – does not detract from the fact that we won the legislative elections, in any case we are in the lead in the first round”he launched. “We are qualified in 406 constituencies in the second round”he also said.

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