“Despite a big difference in age …”: Julien Clerc cash on his relationship with Hélène, 30 years his junior

Julien Clerc has had several wives in his life but, since 2004, it is with Hélène Grémillon that he has spent happy days in discretion. He married his lover and mother of his son Léonard, in 2012 in Paris. In the pages of the magazine We both, the interpreter of the cult hit My preference confides.

While the magazine was trying to find out what was the singer’s secret to making his couple last, the latter answered candidly. “Love love ! I had the chance to meet the person who was deeply suited to me at the right time in my life.“Two years before his meeting with Hélène, Julien Clerc had separated from his wife Virginie Coupérie-Eiffel, with whom he had lived a long story which had given birth to two children: Vanille, born March 20, 1988, and Barnabé, born on February 7, 1995.

This new love affair with Hélène, thirty years his junior, could not have worked because of their respective ages but, luckily, life decided otherwise. “Despite a big age difference, we get along very well on all fronts. I really believe in the age difference. For some people it can be difficult, destructive, but maybe I have a little pygmalion side“, adds Julien Clerc.

The singer, who recently released a new album titled Happy Days on which he takes up the songs of artists he admires, says he is lucky to have romantic encounters that have marked his life. “I had wonderful women, with strong personalities, who all taught me something [il a par exemple été en couple avec Miou-Miou, NDLR]. I think I have evolved thanks to them. As Maxime Le Forestier says in his song [Double Enfance, NDLR], I don’t think it’s ‘given to everyone the chance to love each other for life’. Each time it’s been rich and deep, and there more than ever.

The full interview with Julien Clerc can be found in We both, on newsstands on December 7, 2021.

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