Deskare, a platform for organizing teleworking

All summer in “It’s my job”, original business ideas, business creations that respond to the times. Wednesday August 3, the portrait of Vianney Goater, founder of Deskare, an innovative solution for managing telework.

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In June 2021, telework was imposed in all companies. This is the moment that Vianney Goater and his two accomplices from HEC choose to launch a new service that they will sell to companies: Deskare, a help for the organization of teleworking for both HRDs and employees. “In concrete terms, it is a platform accessible on computer, tablet, smartphone, where the company’s employees will go to declare their teleworking days, in fact their schedules for the following weeks”, Explain Vianney Goater.

The idea is to help employees better find themselves in the office. But these data are also very valuable tools for management to reorganize in the face of this great novelty that is hybrid work. For the equivalent of the price of a coffee per employee, the whole company has access to a simple solution that is fully integrated with the company’s tools, whereas before the management of telework was done with the means at hand.

Deskare, incubated at Station F, the largest start-up incubator in France, already has around forty customers, i.e. 9,000 people in 22 countries.

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