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The domain of the Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire organizes, as every year, its garden festival. About thirty landscape creations are presented. Rromantic, poetic or ecological, there is something for everyone.
On the banks of the Loire, the domain of Chaumont-sur-Loire offers an invitation to travel. Designers from around the world are reinventing the castle gardens, in a festival of geometry, poetry and fantasy. Each creator is assigned a plot of 250 m². The imposed theme, in 2022, is that of the ideal garden. This year, a garden particularly attracts visitors: it spreads its petals to collect rain in terracotta pots. One of the designers, a 28-year-old landscaper, was inspired for this project by ancient irrigation techniques.
In Chaumont-sur-Loire, the watchword is audacity. “We can really go to the end of things, and really have poetry. We let go more than in a traditional garden”, comments Aymeric Dufour, landscaper. In a neighboring plot, a very worked garden is inhabited by tiny animals. The creations are maintained by the domain’s gardeners, such as Samuel Benoit, in office for 15 years. “It has become my garden somewhere”, he confides. Since the creation of the festivals 30 years ago, nearly 1,000 gardens have sprung up.