designating LR’s candidate for 2027 too early would be “a mistake”, according to Bruno Retailleau


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“If we ever stumble [aux Européennes de 2024]we will electrocute our candidate who will have been appointed a year before”, estimates the president of the LR group in the Senate Bruno Retailleau.

Quickly appointing the Republican (LR) candidate for the next presidential election would be “a mistake for the party and for the candidate”, said the president of the LR group in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau, Tuesday, October 25 on franceinfo. For Éric Ciotti, one of his competitors in the race for the presidency of LR, “we will have to move quickly, from the start of 2023”. The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes declared it at the beginning of September, in Le Sunday newspaper [article payant].

“It’s a mistake for the party because again, on the right, it’s personalities, egos before ideas”, added Bruno Retailleau. Éric Ciotti openly supports a candidacy for the Elysee Palace of the current president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez.

“It’s also a mistake for him”, assures the leader of senators LR. Laurent Wauquiez may have “all the qualities that could tomorrow make him LR’s candidate for 2027”He recalls “that there are Europeans, in 2024”. Gold, “If ever we stumble, we will electrocute our candidate who will have been appointed a year before”.

Bruno Retailleau proposes to appoint the LR candidate for the 2027 presidential election “very quickly after the Europeans”. He wants a designation by “activists”, and not by “feathered hats”in other words the party cadres.

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