“[Des]Espoirs” by Guillaume Grand, a record that comes from the bottom of his heart and his bowels

After 2 albums which rather honored a certain darkness, Guillaume Grand has just revealed “[Des]Hopes” where a little light shines here and there. His new songs are conducive to bringing bodies together. The rhythms can get carried away, the waltz is regularly summoned. There are the oceans, the freedom, the wind that carries, the love that does not want to surrender, we dance here, we expel, we move forward, we breathe.

Some songs, he has been working on the body for several years. Her voice is both broken and velvety, strength and fragility mixed together. Fortunately, Guillaume’s music is paradoxical because it doesn’t cheat. Saving duality. She is like existence, made of surprises, emotional roller coasters, she goes from laughter to tears, from melancholy to drunkenness without warning and that is perhaps what gives her songs this touch of freedom. total.

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Guillaume Grand has all written and composedmodeled at home before leaving to record in Paris, during several sessions mainly in 2020, with the help of the faithful Sylvain Rabbath, co-producer, at the Muséum Studio, in a studious and friendly atmosphere.

Note that Guillaume Grand is working on his first novel, to be published by Plon. A story where he encounters life, embodied by a woman. His prose, like his music, juggles between humor and depth of feeling. Beauties and chasms. And it is striking.

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